Lombard Standard K.K.

Commercial Disclosure

Last updated 13 June, 2023

Legal name

Lombard Standard K.K.


〒150-0043 Tokyu Building 2F-C, 1-10-8 Dogenzaka Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Japan

Phone number

We will disclose it without delay upon request

Email address


Commercial Director

Mr. Nobuyuki Yamada

Additional fees

No additional fees to the cost of the product

Refunds & Support

Refunds: Subscription may be recessed within 7 days with full refund
Support: Customers will receive full support during 9am-6pm JST

Delivery times

Access credentials will be released at the subscription to the free trial

Accepted payment methods

Credit card or via local bank transfer

Payment period

Credit card payments are processed immediately, while local bank transfers must be sent within 3 days of the date of order.


The subscripion cost is $0.12 per buyer profile per month
Minimum number of profiles: 1,000
Minimum period: 12 months