Lombard Standard K.K.

Privacy Policy

Last updated 24 May, 2023

  1. Scope of this Policy. Lombard Standard K.K. ("Lombard", "us" or "we") are committed to safeguarding your privacy. This Privacy Policy (the "Policy") describes our policies and procedures regarding the collection, use and disclosure of information we obtain through our websites at lombardstandard.com, lombardGPT.com or lomb.st (collectively, the "Websites"), and/or through other activities. You acknowledge that by using the Websites you implicitly agree and consent to the terms of this Policy.
  2. Who we are. For the purpose of applicable data protection legislation, the controller of your personal data is: Lombard Standard K.K., 150-0043 Tokyu Building 2F-C, 1-10-8 Dogenzaka Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Japan.
  3. What we do. We collect personal information of the following types of people to enable us to operate the Websites: (a) customers who use the Websites; (b) professionals who may be interested in the Websites; and (c) suppliers, employees and advisors that support the Websites.
  4. Information we collect. We collect information about you that you give to us in connection with the Websites and/or by corresponding with us by phone, email, in writing or otherwise. Such collection includes information that you provide when you enquire about the Websites, submit forms, proposals, brochures or other data, subscribe to our mailing lists and/or attend events or meetings organized by us. The information we collect may include your name, address, email address, telephone number and other information available into the public domain (for example into social media or your company's website).
  5. How we use the information. The information we collect will be held in confidence by us and will not be passed on by us to other entities, except for the purposes related to the Websites. We use the information we collect in the following ways: (a) to operate out the Websites; (b) to carry out obligations arising towards you; and (c) to provide you with updates related to the Websites.
  6. Our legitimate business interests. Lombard is an online service for data collection, analysis and ranking. In this capacity, the collection of personal information is a fundamental and essential part of our business. In order to maintain, expand and develop our business we must record the personal information into databases, which contain the information we collect.
  7. To whom we may disclose your information. In relation with one or more of the purposes outlined in the section 3, we might disclose details about you to the following entities: (a) employees and members of Lombard; (b) third parties that enable us to operate the Websites; and (c) third parties that provide services to us. If you are an individual based in the European Union, please note that some of the recipients of your personal information listed above will be based in countries outside of the European Union whose laws may not provide the same level of data protection.
  8. Retention and protection of your data. We use a range of physical, electronic and managerial measures to ensure that we keep your personal information secure, accurate and up to date. We understand our duty to retain accurate data, and to only retain personal information for as long as we need it for our legitimate business interests. Accordingly, we have a data retention policy to remove periodically all data that ceases to be in our legitimate business interests.
  9. Your rights. You have various rights in relation to the handling, retention and disclosure of your personal information. In particular, you have the right to: (a) access and request a copy of your personal information; (b) amend, update or correct your personal information; (c) delete or restrict the use of your personal information; and (d) withdraw the consent to our processing of your personal information.
  10. Cookies. We use cookies and similar technologies for the purpose of systems administration, website improvement, statistical analysis, advertisement and marketing, and to deliver a better and more personalized service to users. Most web browsers allow you to manage cookies via the browser settings. For example you may choose to delete existing cookies, prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie or disable cookies altogether. By using the Websites you are agreeing to the placement of cookies on your computer. Whenever you visit or interact with the Websites, we automatically collect certain information about your browser and your interaction with the Websites, including: (a) your IP address; (b) your browser and device type; (c) your operating system; (d) your timestamp of page visits; and (e) the pages you accessed.
  11. Changes to this Policy. We reserve the right to modify this Policy at any time, so we encourage you to review it frequently.

If you have a request, question or comment about this Policy, please send an email to hello@lomb.st.